How to Delete a Page in a PDF Document

PDF (Portable Document Format) is one of the most widely used formats for sharing documents due to its ability to preserve the original layout and formatting across different devices and platforms. However, working with PDFs can sometimes be challenging, especially when it comes to editing. One common task is deleting a page from a PDF document. This guide will explore various methods and tools available for deleting pages in a PDF, covering both online and offline solutions, as well as software options for different operating systems.

Delete a Page in a PDF

Understanding the Basics of PDF Editing

Before diving into the specifics of deleting a page, it is important to understand the basics of PDF editing. PDF files are designed to be immutable, meaning their content cannot be easily altered. This characteristic ensures that the document’s integrity is maintained, which is crucial for official and professional documents. However, there are numerous tools and software available that allow for manipulation of PDF files, including deleting pages.

Using Adobe Acrobat DC

Adobe Acrobat DC is one of the most powerful and widely used PDF editors. It provides a comprehensive set of tools for editing, creating, and managing PDF documents. Here’s how to delete a page using Adobe Acrobat DC:

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Open the PDF File: Launch Adobe Acrobat DC and open the PDF file from which you want to delete a page.
  2. Organize Pages: Click on the “Tools” tab in the upper-left corner of the window. From the dropdown menu, select “Organize Pages.”
  3. Select the Page to Delete: In the “Organize Pages” view, you will see thumbnails of all the pages in the document. Click on the thumbnail of the page you want to delete.
  4. Delete the Page: Click on the trash can icon (or right-click the page and select “Delete”) to remove the selected page.
  5. Save the PDF: After deleting the page, save your changes by clicking on “File” and then “Save.”

Advantages and Disadvantages

  • Advantages:
    • Comprehensive toolset for all PDF editing needs.
    • High reliability and performance.
    • Ability to handle large and complex PDF documents.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Requires a subscription, which can be expensive.
    • May have a steep learning curve for new users.

Using Online Tools

For those who do not have access to Adobe Acrobat DC or prefer not to install software, there are several online tools available that can delete pages from a PDF document. Some popular options include Smallpdf, ILovePDF, and PDF2Go.

Step-by-Step Guide for Using Smallpdf

  1. Visit the Website: Go to Smallpdf’s website.
  2. Upload Your PDF: Click on the “Choose File” button to upload your PDF document from your computer. You can also drag and drop the file into the designated area.
  3. Select the Pages to Delete: Once the file is uploaded, you will see thumbnails of all the pages. Click on the pages you want to delete.
  4. Delete the Pages: Click the “Delete” button to remove the selected pages.
  5. Download the Edited PDF: After processing, download the edited PDF file to your computer.

Advantages and Disadvantages

  • Advantages:
    • No software installation required.
    • User-friendly interface.
    • Quick and easy to use for simple tasks.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Limited functionality compared to desktop software.
    • May have file size limitations.
    • Requires an internet connection and may have privacy concerns.

Using Free PDF Editors

There are several free PDF editors available that can delete pages from a PDF document. Some popular options include PDFsam Basic, Foxit Reader, and Sejda PDF Desktop.

Step-by-Step Guide for Using PDFsam Basic

  1. Download and Install PDFsam Basic: Go to the PDFsam website and download the free version. Follow the installation instructions.
  2. Open the Application: Launch PDFsam Basic on your computer.
  3. Select the PDF Split and Merge Tool: Click on “Merge” in the main menu.
  4. Load Your PDF: Click on the “Add” button to load your PDF document into the tool.
  5. Delete the Page: Select the page range you want to keep, excluding the page you want to delete.
  6. Save the Edited PDF: Click “Run” to process the file and save the new PDF document without the deleted page.

Advantages and Disadvantages

  • Advantages:
    • Free to use.
    • No internet connection required.
    • Offers additional functionalities like merging and splitting PDFs.
  • Disadvantages:
    • User interface may not be as polished as paid software.
    • Limited advanced features compared to premium tools.

Using Built-In Tools on Different Operating Systems

Both Windows and Mac OS come with built-in tools that can handle basic PDF editing tasks, including deleting pages.

Using Preview on Mac OS

Preview is a versatile tool on Mac OS that can be used to view and edit PDF files.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Open the PDF File: Open the PDF file in Preview by double-clicking it or by right-clicking and selecting “Open With” > “Preview.”
  2. Show Thumbnails: Click on the “View” menu and select “Thumbnails” to display the page thumbnails in the sidebar.
  3. Select the Page to Delete: Click on the thumbnail of the page you want to delete.
  4. Delete the Page: Press the “Delete” key on your keyboard or right-click and select “Delete.”
  5. Save the PDF: Save your changes by clicking on “File” and then “Save.”

Using Microsoft Edge on Windows 10

Microsoft Edge includes basic PDF editing capabilities that allow users to delete pages from a PDF document.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Open the PDF File: Open the PDF file in Microsoft Edge by right-clicking and selecting “Open with” > “Microsoft Edge.”
  2. Enter Edit Mode: Click on the “Draw” icon to enable editing features.
  3. Select and Delete Pages: Unfortunately, Edge does not support direct page deletion. You may need a third-party app like PDF-XChange Editor for this function.

Advantages and Disadvantages

  • Advantages:
    • No need to install additional software.
    • Free and readily available on the respective operating systems.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Limited functionality for advanced PDF editing.
    • May not support direct page deletion (especially on Windows).

Mobile Apps for Deleting PDF Pages

For users who prefer editing PDF documents on mobile devices, there are several apps available for both Android and iOS that can delete pages from a PDF.

Using Adobe Acrobat Reader on Mobile

Adobe Acrobat Reader is available as a mobile app for both Android and iOS devices. Here’s how to use it to delete pages from a PDF:

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Download and Install the App: Install Adobe Acrobat Reader from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
  2. Open the PDF File: Launch the app and open the PDF file you want to edit.
  3. Edit Pages: Tap on the “Pages” icon at the bottom of the screen to display the page thumbnails.
  4. Select the Page to Delete: Tap on the page you want to delete.
  5. Delete the Page: Tap on the trash can icon to delete the selected page.
  6. Save the PDF: Save your changes by tapping on the “Save” icon.

Using PDF Expert on iOS

PDF Expert is a powerful PDF editor available for iOS devices.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Download and Install PDF Expert: Install PDF Expert from the Apple App Store.
  2. Open the PDF File: Launch the app and open the PDF file you want to edit.
  3. Edit Pages: Tap on the “Pages” icon to display the page thumbnails.
  4. Select the Page to Delete: Tap on the page you want to delete.
  5. Delete the Page: Tap on the trash can icon to delete the selected page.
  6. Save the PDF: Save your changes by tapping on the “Done” button.

Advantages and Disadvantages

  • Advantages:
    • Convenient for on-the-go editing.
    • Easy to use with intuitive interfaces.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Mobile apps may have limited functionality compared to desktop versions.
    • Screen size can be a constraint for complex edits.


Deleting a page from a PDF document is a common task that can be accomplished through various methods and tools. Whether using powerful desktop software like Adobe Acrobat DC, convenient online tools, free PDF editors, built-in OS tools, or mobile apps, each method has its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

Adobe Acrobat DC offers comprehensive features but comes at a cost. Online tools like Smallpdf provide quick solutions without the need for installation but may have privacy concerns. Free PDF editors such as PDFsam Basic are excellent for those on a budget. Built-in tools on Mac and Windows offer basic functionalities without additional costs, while mobile apps provide flexibility and convenience for users on the go.

Selecting the best method depends on individual needs, budget, and the complexity of the task. Understanding these options allows users to efficiently manage their PDF documents and ensure they can edit their files with ease, maintaining productivity and achieving desired results.